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Scratch Day @ WnCC


28 September 2013 to 29 September 2013


WnCC Team 2013



What is scratch?

Scratch is an educational programming language and multimedia authoring tool that can be used to create simulations and visualizations of experiments, animated presentations, animated stories, and interactive art and music and even games!

What is Scratch Day?

Scratch Day is an event where people who know scratch or want to learn scratch meet and create projects in scratch! MIT usually organizes a scratch day to showcase projects done by their undergrads. Scratch Day has grown very large in terms of participation and the variation in people participating. We have school kids using it as paint, undergrads trying to use threading to simulate multiple events and what not.

Scratch Day @ WnCC

We wanted to emulate something similar to scratch day for the freshmen this year as an experiment. Since the learning curve involved is not too steep and people could develop decent complete projects in a weekend, the club organized the scratch weekend on 25th and 26th September. Prior to this we had a freshmen introductory session on Scratch in Hostel 15 conducted by Saif Hasan and in Hostel 4 conducted by the club Conveners.

We started off with a hands on tutorial session in NSL. Seeing the huge response and NSL not being able to accommodate all people, we kept a similar hands on session in OSL. Post session, we alloted volunteers in both the venues who could help solve doubts. All the resources were as well put on Scratch Day website

Freshmen were pretty much excited creating small games, animations using scratch. Here are a couple of videos we took meanwhile recording their experience

Event pics can be found on the fb album

Projects Created

We had registered a total of 28 teams comprising of 2 freshmen each, which submitted a final project.

Some of the interesting projects include:

  • Ghost Fighter
  • Pokemon Fight
  • Cat v/s Ghost
  • Survive Virus Attack
  • Air Hockey
  • Space Warriors