Python Hands On Session
14 January 2014
18:00 hrs to 19:30 hrs
Rohan Prinja
- Facebook event
- Event Pics
- Resources: Here is an interesting thread for various resources on our Google Group
Topics covered
- IDLE as a REPL
- Basic python syntax: Arithmetic
- Data types and conversion
- If/If-else blocks, while loops
- Lists, slicing notation
- Using in built generator functions
- For loops
- Tuples, immutable data
- Dicts
- List comprehensions
- Functions
- File I/O
- Which and try-catch
- Classes
- Various examples
- Lambdas
There also was a very enjoyable interactive session where various topics from functional programming to efficiency and compilers were discussed.
After some encouraging feedbacks online and from the interactive discussion post the session, we’ve decided to conduct an advanced session for python enthusiasts! :)
We will also be shortly announcing about the python competition. Stay tuned for the same!